Ten Species – Ninety Minutes
This afternoon with the temperature in the 70s F, sunny skies and no wind (i.e. ideal odeing weather) I spent an hour and a half (5:00 to 6:30 PM) photographing
This afternoon with the temperature in the 70s F, sunny skies and no wind (i.e. ideal odeing weather) I spent an hour and a half (5:00 to 6:30 PM) photographing
I observed the first of the seasons dragonflies (Hudsonian White-faces) in our yard a couple of weeks ago. However, today was the first day I got out to photograph odes.
The American Rubyspot is a fairly rare but spectacular damselfly. Yesterday, I headed to Hollis, NH one of the two sites*, that I am aware of, where rubyspots are present.
That would be the Contootook River! Late yesterday afternoon I spent about two and a half hours odeing on the Contoocook River by the paper mill in Bennington, New Hampshire…
Late yesterday afternoon I walked the half-mile to Castor Lane (the road through the Harris Center Chenoa property) to look for odes. The temperature was in the upper 70s F
On Thursday (22 July 2023) afternoon I carved out about ninety minutes (from 4:30-6:00 PM) for some odeing and took a walk down Hattie Brown Road. The logging operation there