Yesterday (Sunday) we got roughly two inches of rain. Today we had intervals of light showers interspersed with short periods of partial clouds. After lunch I decided to take advantage of the changeable weather and headed out to make a few photographs.
Regarding the photographs of Great Brook, which (ignoring the fact that these are in black and white!) represents reality?
I would say… Both of them and neither of them!!
The essential difference between the two photographs is the shutter speed I used. Other parameters were adjusted to get similar exposures but these are not relevant here. Furthermore, the two photos were minimally ‘processed’ after I made them. I converted them to black and white, cropped and adjusted the tonality; what one does to make any photograph ‘presentable’. There was no “Photoshopping” here.
The texture of the water appeared to my eyes somewhere in between that shown in these two photographs. It was neither “stop action” crisp nor was it “silky smooth”.
I always chuckle to myself when someone mentions to me that a photograph somehow represents “the truth”.
Well done! For me it’s using the slower speed to show the water;s flow. Need to get back out there and find me some other falls to shoot.