Two old sayings…
“Sometimes you are the bug and sometimes you are the windshield.”
“When life hands you lemons, make lemonade!”.
Both apply to this morning’s photography.
Part One: On Being The Bug.
Looking at the weather forecast last night, I was hopeful that I might make a good photo of Mount Monadnock from Leadmine Road in Nelson.
Since discovering this viewpoint early last winter, I have been visiting regularly to see how the light plays out over the year and to hopefully make “the” photograph… eventually. Today was not that day!
Sunrise this morning was 5:32. I was up and out of the house by 6:15. The skies were mostly cloudy with a high overcast but some lower clouds adding interest to the skies at least in some directions. Not promising, but I headed out anyway. Stopping only to grab a cup of coffee at the newly reopened Fiddleheads in Hancock, I made my way to Nelson. Things were not looking good weather-wise. The overcast thickened as I drove. I did not even get out of the truck. Rather, hoping that the skies would improve as the morning progressed, I headed for Harrisville and got a breakfast sandwich at the general store.
About an hour after I left from my first visit to “the view”, I was back. By this time (roughly 7:45) there was a roofing crew working on the nearby farmhouse and turning a usually serene and peaceful spot into a construction zone. None-the-less, I parked the truck and made the short walk across the field just to see if there was anything worth photographing. There was not! One could barely make out the mountain! I made two exposures just for the record books and headed back to the truck. Did I mention that the mosquitos were ferocious?
Arriving back at the truck, I noticed that I had left the passengers-side window open a crack. The cab was full of mosquitoes… OK, maybe there were only a dozen or so! I decided at this point to head home. It only took me about ten minutes to clear the truck of the mosquitoes as I drove.

Mount Monadnock where are you?
Part Two: The Lemonade
One the way home I stopped at the beach on Norway Pond in Hancock just to see what was about and there, at the empty beach, life handed me some lemonade.
I call this mini-project “Beach Leavings”. All the exposures were made in about ten minutes and I did not have to slap one mosquito the entire time!
I arrived home about 9:15 and the skies were still mostly cloudy. Within the next hour the overcast “burnt off” and nice puffy summer clouds appeared. Maybe I will go look for some dragonflies this afternoon!
Always amazes me to see articles of clothing left behind – what did they wear home??? Interesting array of items. Right after we shut down due to COVID, I was taking my usual walk around town and noticed quite a few items tossed along the way. Sadly, nip bottles led the way!
I enjoyed your “lemonade!”