Yesterday, I decided that I wanted to photograph the Connecticut River Valley. The weather forecast was promising and I figured that there might be some interesting landscapes to be made. However, the weather folks lied once again and it was overcast the entire day… ughhh. None-the-less, I found subjects other than the grand landscape to photograph.
I headed northwest from the house and crossed the river at Charlestown (NH). From there I headed north on Vermont Route 5. In Windsor (VT) a sign for the railroad station caught my eye and I stopped to make photographs. Continuing north, I stopped for lunch in Fairlee (VT) and made some more photographs. After lunch, I headed north again but decided when I arrived in Bradford (VT) that it was probably time to turn back south.
Thus, I crossed the river in to NH and headed south on Route 10. I re-crossed the river in Orford (NH) and continued on south on Route 5 in VT. I made a final stop to photograph in Ely (VT) before heading home.
One of the subjects I found to photograph were train depots/stations. The Amtrak Vermonter runs from Washington DC to St. Albans, VT passing up the Connecticut River valley beginning in Hartford, CT. At White River Junction (VT) the Amtrak route leaves the Connecticut valley and head northwest. However, there are mostly unused tracks that continue up the valley at least as far as St. Johnsbury (VT). Below, are several photos made yesterday (using my camera obscura) at or near the railroad tracks. More photos (of other subjects) to follow in due time.